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A total of 3 transactions found
Hash de Transacción | Método | Valor de Depósito | TXN FEE | Altura del Bloque | |||||
4DzZTwW635LqPX95sTM15jDd4WCNTwp9HYyEkcYwFiv1 | ft_transfer | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00058 Ⓝ | c885b87d436fb8e... | ENTRADA | token.sweat | 76,015,486 | 2 years ago | |
4JNmtHvWv87YiDo9eP2D4CTVbb2xbVQv2rWTAgG9afAd | claim | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00174 Ⓝ | c885b87d436fb8e... | ENTRADA | tge-lockup.swea... | 76,015,479 | 2 years ago | |
7U9vY81KT4i6mrvBKCKQLsZt7PknUZnJSpJKgLpaBBt1 | TRANSFER | 0.05 Ⓝ | 0.00008 Ⓝ | sweat_welcome.n... | ENTRADA | c885b87d436fb8e... | 69,477,307 | 2 years ago |