OG 420 JointsDAO Validator - 86

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IF YOU GOT THIS, this means you Proof of Sesh’d‍ with a JointsDAO ‍OG Validator. You are now an on-chain OG. You are one of the first 420 JointsDAO OG Validators on NEAR. Now you can onboard other into Joints DAO by smoking a spliff with them in real life via #ProofOfSesh. SpliffDAO.com. A Joint is a cigarette with bud completely in it (with rolling paper, as opposed to a Blunt which is a tobacco leaf). JointsDAO is brought to you by BluntDAO (bluntdao.org) as part of the decentralized IRL movement to onboard the next million people into Web3, 1 sesh at a time.

A total of 1 transactions found

Txn HashmethodFromToBLOCK
sodofi.near120,098,2745 months ago