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A total of 459 transactions found
交易記錄哈希值 | Method | 存入價值 | TXN FEE | 區塊高度 | Click to show Datetime Format | ||||
4FVFLe2zUZpYWsf5RQG9gpuC61fwXJaxRFq7gB96s5q64FVFLe2zUZpYWsf5RQG9gpuC61fwXJaxRFq7gB96s5q6 | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00051 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 135,592,646 | 2024-12-22 21:36:514 days ago | |
EyG8UjT4VzjScthdv77U8ANYM9pcf2F4FHLkUBuzkCQxEyG8UjT4VzjScthdv77U8ANYM9pcf2F4FHLkUBuzkCQx | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00047 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 135,370,716 | 2024-12-19 23:50:047 days ago | |
HaRpX2GrWfFwTLaQSJKMmmEFsCbKzdfSH38rzx9NScoUHaRpX2GrWfFwTLaQSJKMmmEFsCbKzdfSH38rzx9NScoU | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00051 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 135,058,636 | 2024-12-15 18:57:3111 days ago | |
BAquVFZFBMXR6KUHyd9bzsAPcCqNdBkikbTfMABSTM9aBAquVFZFBMXR6KUHyd9bzsAPcCqNdBkikbTfMABSTM9a | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00051 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 134,677,654 | 2024-12-10 17:30:5916 days ago | |
AhMpW969VeP2dxxAjxfES7XDDiZJrvcNgbREBW5MZC5KAhMpW969VeP2dxxAjxfES7XDDiZJrvcNgbREBW5MZC5K | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00051 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 134,237,819 | 2024-12-04 22:12:5622 days ago | |
14THxXTZa8rd1N4NvAor5uc8Ayd5Gmhb3RDYXzfEorL514THxXTZa8rd1N4NvAor5uc8Ayd5Gmhb3RDYXzfEorL5 | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00048 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 134,144,869 | 2024-12-03 16:39:0123 days ago | |
ArfbbLTxfnVojbRcoxCtKzXDqZnGa7qhYnHokg5TZNvRArfbbLTxfnVojbRcoxCtKzXDqZnGa7qhYnHokg5TZNvR | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00051 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 134,075,419 | 2024-12-02 18:53:1224 days ago | |
9mBgKQQwZwVKhZmQm641UtqFt2NPyCBrN3La2QKhboXv9mBgKQQwZwVKhZmQm641UtqFt2NPyCBrN3La2QKhboXv | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00045 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 133,972,581 | 2024-12-01 10:50:0025 days ago | |
45hJU72PMLZrbGR3qsBgDPXFz3UV2pa17qikNhLMLwnt45hJU72PMLZrbGR3qsBgDPXFz3UV2pa17qikNhLMLwnt | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00049 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 133,914,330 | 2024-11-30 16:30:24a month ago | |
GEFZ1Z54e7pmPoL395Po3N5Vz15fMYCg5X9GyuzDvwXvGEFZ1Z54e7pmPoL395Po3N5Vz15fMYCg5X9GyuzDvwXv | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00049 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 133,764,521 | 2024-11-28 17:41:00a month ago | |
7LdnHNXX8j9vPZmu8WyqJub3qwAWAtKrNc16PangauAD7LdnHNXX8j9vPZmu8WyqJub3qwAWAtKrNc16PangauAD | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00048 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 133,693,988 | 2024-11-27 19:22:44a month ago | |
A6vjzJCBEGscd4DtugfbKJwT929frhUaiULJxFfhzv7BA6vjzJCBEGscd4DtugfbKJwT929frhUaiULJxFfhzv7B | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00048 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 133,589,036 | 2024-11-26 10:38:15a month ago | |
ALt6iN7amNbhtpSbWgmV8XdFnUqsNirqhTQ3AsZamucRALt6iN7amNbhtpSbWgmV8XdFnUqsNirqhTQ3AsZamucR | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00051 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 133,523,974 | 2024-11-25 14:35:06a month ago | |
3qcRfybE5LyC4q3A2QkB9FzVf1H8WHy2XKGJtfn44nLz3qcRfybE5LyC4q3A2QkB9FzVf1H8WHy2XKGJtfn44nLz | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00051 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 133,440,714 | 2024-11-24 12:56:09a month ago | |
AK8US19s4hKqp1frDhRLL7316ttdMGktbaEqu1wKUKJtAK8US19s4hKqp1frDhRLL7316ttdMGktbaEqu1wKUKJt | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00051 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 133,362,226 | 2024-11-23 12:30:00a month ago | |
HQBhJNpnutViqxeXQqK3GDSn1jDMaDqLXoQhbRpyTdWDHQBhJNpnutViqxeXQqK3GDSn1jDMaDqLXoQhbRpyTdWD | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00051 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 133,222,039 | 2024-11-21 16:29:00a month ago | |
7ZharNPAC2qvZrCWZkrmdoMszfZcem6ApGBDbbrfpFgN7ZharNPAC2qvZrCWZkrmdoMszfZcem6ApGBDbbrfpFgN | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00051 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 133,141,496 | 2024-11-20 15:39:00a month ago | |
AQFpkAxUjvpon86nfLu2You5LEfVrpw9Xf35ijUvugruAQFpkAxUjvpon86nfLu2You5LEfVrpw9Xf35ijUvugru | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00051 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 133,064,693 | 2024-11-19 15:57:46a month ago | |
J7Q8XLSxQ3eYRTmHD3zhzPzdQ2N3WfvnSVLaN6mp23y4J7Q8XLSxQ3eYRTmHD3zhzPzdQ2N3WfvnSVLaN6mp23y4 | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00051 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 132,987,985 | 2024-11-18 15:19:12a month ago | |
GtnXMcdwNkZMgJh1NSEQdpmtGviVR5qbk8zZ6Xf4WWjjGtnXMcdwNkZMgJh1NSEQdpmtGviVR5qbk8zZ6Xf4WWjj | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00051 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 132,913,701 | 2024-11-17 15:57:49a month ago | |
CTfjMjoLexkC6bjdcSju7BmAhr1ACw24XiiWrYACgK46CTfjMjoLexkC6bjdcSju7BmAhr1ACw24XiiWrYACgK46 | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00049 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 132,693,854 | 2024-11-14 18:36:12a month ago | |
9dxTH9QdRwJjB7TXKjtT7tw8ushEeTGAk6g4ypjaTEna9dxTH9QdRwJjB7TXKjtT7tw8ushEeTGAk6g4ypjaTEna | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00049 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 132,619,200 | 2024-11-13 17:53:27a month ago | |
W1RpHBJkzTqm41Y1ezjAthG9Ga4N5ng2zwV6jJJRc3dW1RpHBJkzTqm41Y1ezjAthG9Ga4N5ng2zwV6jJJRc3d | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00051 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 132,526,869 | 2024-11-12 12:22:56a month ago | |
97YfqRmZUxuXmCeDwXMXwGyPQPPWAMNuNRzmJ32ShGkU97YfqRmZUxuXmCeDwXMXwGyPQPPWAMNuNRzmJ32ShGkU | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00051 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 132,468,618 | 2024-11-11 17:24:15a month ago | |
3rH5pXYrS3RezbsGJVD48jCfP21TtjdrTDhbGMtcbkvC3rH5pXYrS3RezbsGJVD48jCfP21TtjdrTDhbGMtcbkvC | 批量交易批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00048 Ⓝ | meteor-relayer.nearmeteor-relayer.... | 進 | openoasis4184.nearopenoasis4184.n... | 132,378,895 | 2024-11-10 13:01:592 months ago |