The live price of Aurigami Token is $0.00003689 today with a current circulating market cap of $152,346. The on-chain marketcap of Aurigami Token is $300,390. Aurigami Token's 24-hour trading volume is $43. PLY to USD price is updated in real-time. Aurigami Token is 2.78% in the last 24 hours.
When was Aurigami Token created on Near Protocol?
The Aurigami Token contract was created on Near Protocol at Mar-31-2022 02:08:32 by through this transaction. Since the creation of Aurigami Token, there has been 3,836 on-chain transfers.
How many Aurigami Token tokens are there?
There are currently 0 PLY in circulation for a total supply of 8,142,853,933 PLY. PLY's supply is split between 51 different wallet addresses.
Token:Aurigami Token
@ 0.00001 Ⓝ
FULLY DILUTED MARKET CAPCalculated by multiplying the tokens Total Supply on Near with the current market price per token.