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A total of 3 transactions found
Băm của Giao dịch | Loại | Giá trị nạp | TXN FEE | Chiều cao khối | Click to show Datetime Format | ||||
Dk2bJzheCTzdBTr5gitihPbqtK6dLY8LsTZH52ujyoubDk2bJzheCTzdBTr5gitihPbqtK6dLY8LsTZH52ujyoub | ft_transferft_transfer | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00064 Ⓝ | 4e02a20b0d93abaa8df5b77344244e1632469eebd46f7fcb643247223a2fb3764e02a20b0d93aba... | RA | usdt.tether-token.nearusdt.tether-tok... | 92,738,932 | 2023-05-26 08:10:312 years ago | |
BrtmJsAGEAkQqrUpD4G2eJrCFeMokaGQ8JBqp6PVi8sABrtmJsAGEAkQqrUpD4G2eJrCFeMokaGQ8JBqp6PVi8sA | storage_depositstorage_deposit | 0.00125 Ⓝ | 0.00058 Ⓝ | 4e02a20b0d93abaa8df5b77344244e1632469eebd46f7fcb643247223a2fb3764e02a20b0d93aba... | RA | usdt.tether-token.nearusdt.tether-tok... | 92,725,080 | 2023-05-26 03:47:142 years ago | |
E3RJSRjcUj4MvaeTv6DTbbd9BJQUL12MLPfpafHT516KE3RJSRjcUj4MvaeTv6DTbbd9BJQUL12MLPfpafHT516K | TRANSFERTRANSFER | 0.05 Ⓝ | 0.00008 Ⓝ | sweat_welcome.nearsweat_welcome.n... | RA | 4e02a20b0d93abaa8df5b77344244e1632469eebd46f7fcb643247223a2fb3764e02a20b0d93aba... | 77,051,488 | 2022-10-26 05:39:102 years ago |