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A total of 8 transactions found
交易記錄哈希值 | Method | 存入價值 | TXN FEE | 區塊高度 | |||||
Gc8Ss53mVxtpke6agBUE1k5gswub7WHGvBfTzFd2xih6 | 批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00276 Ⓝ | 383f1659812cba6... | 進 | token.sweat | 114,218,271 | 9 months ago | |
7SwcnPyEuLcTmKaz1gfd91p6grQnmzFSSYPNMTRLjaCP | claim | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00169 Ⓝ | 383f1659812cba6... | 進 | tge-lockup.swea... | 114,218,262 | 9 months ago | |
GReZnyrTE3zeqRBQQECnA5zmG3LdRViam4hAb8ktZrgY | 批量交易 | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00276 Ⓝ | 383f1659812cba6... | 進 | token.sweat | 106,196,140 | a year ago | |
gTR96PDe9AmVSapH7sbRDKNMpu49hqD3MxgFK3PCW4Z | claim | 0 Ⓝ | 0.0017 Ⓝ | 383f1659812cba6... | 進 | tge-lockup.swea... | 106,196,133 | a year ago | |
9R8mB89U3iKLJg962GiMSmoCJ6xDvSMPLMijHrmLtYKx | ft_transfer | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00065 Ⓝ | 383f1659812cba6... | 進 | token.sweat | 93,388,024 | 2 years ago | |
4ytAXR5nz9UvGsFr6VnGtCS6R3RoFfBPhTcdrCyVYLkm | ft_transfer | 0 Ⓝ | 0.0006 Ⓝ | 383f1659812cba6... | 進 | token.sweat | 77,421,553 | 2 years ago | |
En92nT26Xnqa7dcHpaEatnni7276KRcZKi88fchXuHFx | claim | 0 Ⓝ | 0.00175 Ⓝ | 383f1659812cba6... | 進 | tge-lockup.swea... | 77,421,546 | 2 years ago | |
2tamMFmnzTf5JogXsA3Mj7sgq5NNu29wp5sDyCLE31aj | TRANSFER | 0.05 Ⓝ | 0.00008 Ⓝ | sweat_oracle_5.... | 進 | 383f1659812cba6... | 63,532,358 | 3 years ago |